Oktoberfest in Munich!
Updated 09/22/18

- Who is looking at my Oktoberfest site? How many per day, what countries?
- Munich Oktoberfest Calendar 2016 and FAQ and General Oktoberfest History
- BR Online and Ganz München Oktoberfest|
- Official Munich Willkommen auf dem Oktoberfest site. In English and German
- How many Oktoberfests have there been, tips and who attends? outdated comments from a local.
- CLASSWORK: Oktoberfest history in Munich and the US and a General Intro to the O'fest. By Dr. Ruth Reichmann
Oktoberfests and German Festivals in North America
- Online quiz - GET A 90% - what do you know about the Oktoberfest?
- Webcams 2016 Oktoberfest.de
- Live moving webcam and inside a tent with overview
from muenchen.tv
and in the Hofbräu Festzelt
- Webcams from Oktoberfest.tv.de
- Live cam of grounds - 6 cams
- How much does it cost to ride the Looping roller coaster?
Convert from EUROS to DOLLARS
- The Looping 360 degrees and with weird camera filters
- you must click on Allow Scripts - top right corner
- 2016 rides and 2015 - video of all rides
- Video - experience the Olympia-Looping roller coaster
- Roller coasters
and Indoor rides
and Rides and more rides
- All rides in a Youtube video from 2017
- Rides 2014 - choose from left side
- What are some rides and games at 2018 Oktoberfest?
Click around in orderly fashion.
- Fun - Teufelsrad and Frauenboxen

- LOOK THROUGH some of the IMAGE galleries
- Google Earth and a good map of the grounds
- Video - Excellent walk around the Oktoberfest 2005 - 17 minutes
- Youtube and many free podcasts on iTunes like the BR Wiesn Cast
- looking lost and above all confused at the Oktoberfest years ago
- LOOK AT A FEW MINUTES of the 2015 Parade of costumes - two hours long
- Ten foods to try and more and more
- Lederhosen and Trachten - traditional outfits and Ernst Licht clothing - boys look at Lederhosen, etc. and girls look at Dirndl, etc.
- Just for the little ones
- Numerous booths of games and there are also haunted houses, shows, security and first aids, etc.
- Official Munich Tourism Office and Fodor's Miniguide to Munich
- München Online - aktuelle Informationen
- Choose Munich at Munich Panoramas
- Munich Airport
- Online quiz - what do you know about the Oktoberfest?
- My Questions to be used with the above sites.
- Oktoberfest Word Search using German terms
- Questions for Video: Munich's Oktoberfest
to print - Search Quizlet and Quia for teaching exercises and vocab